Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can you even wait?!?

I am DEFINATELY taking the babies to see this.


Hannah said...

hmmm I had no idea they were making this movie. My kids LOVE that book. I do too.

Abby said...

I'm so excited!! I've also been waiting for like 2 YEARS for The Time Traveler's Wife to get into the theaters. It's been in "post production" for about that long. Ugh! They're taking FOREVER!

But I'm also totally taking the boys to see this one!

YogaNana said...

Every time I think I've got all the movies I really truly need ... oh, I can't wait!

Jenna said...

I had no idea! I miss everything not having TV. Most of what we miss is good that we miss it, I think, but news like this? How fun!

Holistic Dental – Cosmetic Dentist Melbourne said...

I had no idea!
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